Last updated on August 28th, 2020 at 05:14 pm

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how we can integrate ICICI bank Eazypay payment gateway into our PHP web application. Eazypay payment gateway is created by ICICI bank which helps you to pay your bills conveniently, be it your education, housing society maintenance or any other bills. You can pay your bills using Cash Deposit, Cheque Deposit, RTGS, NEFT, Net Banking or Cards.


You need to have EazyPay Account before integration in your web application.

Once you have successfully registered your account on Eazypay you will get your account detail via your registration email address. You need to encrypt your data with a key that they provide you in email and open that link in your browser. Now you need to pass some required parameter in URL to open eazypay payment gateway.

Here is a list of the parameter which is required when we request for payment.

Default URL
Merchant ID100011Yes
Merchant Reference NoYes
Reference No8001Yes
Sub Merchant Id1234Yes
Transaction Amount80Yes
Encryption keyYes
Return URLYes
Optional FieldNo

Before encryption:- fields=8001|1234|80| 9000000001&optional fields=20|20|20|20&returnurl= No=8001&submerchantid=1234&transaction amount=80&paymode=9

After encryption:- fields=u65A+ywICIypfrJVQp9ED2VlkBzkIimiHhLXPyo2P14=&optional fields=faJ6BJUlOqjoV/AEbw5X4g==&returnurl=6WvzNalyXvqOX+aY9ee5oKm8FT+YUF5sz940o6QZvx0=&Reference No=X7VX+1ZnKq+o6K2QWCTERQ==&submerchantid=QVZkBomDLSbitS4C9lGaUA==&transaction amount=aTRTaIdS0sLyzGCxL3Y5dQ==&paymode=nFRjDWSCg0m80aUYivDlqw==

You can use below function to encrypt your data and set that encrypted data in your URL.

private function aes128Encrypt($str, $key){
	$block = mcrypt_get_block_size('rijndael_128', 'ecb');
	$pad = $block - (strlen($str) % $block);
	$str .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
	return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB));

You use the below code to generate a link.

   $default_url = ""; 
   $merchant_id = KEY_IN_MAIL; 
   $encryption_key = KEY_IN_MAIL; 
   $sub_merchant_id = 15; 
   $merchant_reference_no = KEY_IN_MAIL; 
   $paymode = 9; 
   $return_url = $return; 
   $amount = 10; 
   $reference_no = rand(); 
   $optionalField = null; 
   $encrypt_value = $reference_no.'|'.$sub_merchant_id.'|'.$amount;

   $mandatoryField = $this->aes128Encrypt($encrypt_value, $encryption_key);
   $optionalField    =   $this->aes128Encrypt($optionalField, $encryption_key);
   $amount           =	  $this->aes128Encrypt($amount, $encryption_key);
   $reference_no     =   $this->aes128Encrypt($reference_no, $encryption_key);
   $return_url       =   $this->aes128Encrypt($return_url, $encryption_key);
   $sub_merchant_id  =   $this->aes128Encrypt($sub_merchant_id, $encryption_key);
   $paymode          =   $this->aes128Encrypt($paymode, $encryption_key);

   $url = $default_url."merchantid=".$merchant_id."&mandatory fields=".$mandatoryField."&optional fields=".$optionalField."&returnurl=".$return_url."&Reference No=".$reference_no."&submerchantid=".$sub_merchant_id."&transaction amount=".$amount."&paymode=".$paymode;   

Or if you like OOPS you can use this class.

Eazypay ICICI

class Eazypay
    public $merchant_id;
    public $encryption_key;
    public $sub_merchant_id;
    public $reference_no;
    public $paymode;
    public $return_url;

    const DEFAULT_BASE_URL = '';

    public function __construct()
        $this->merchant_id              =    'KEY_MAIL';
        $this->encryption_key           =    'KEY_MAIL';
        $this->sub_merchant_id          =    'KEY_MAIL';
        $this->merchant_reference_no    =    'KEY_MAIL';
        $this->paymode                  =    '9';
        $this->return_url               =    'YOUR_RETURN_URL';

    public function getPaymentUrl($amount, $reference_no, $optionalField=null)
        $mandatoryField   =    $this->getMandatoryField($amount, $reference_no);
        $optionalField    =    $this->getOptionalField($optionalField);
        $amount           =    $this->getAmount($amount);
        $reference_no     =    $this->getReferenceNo($reference_no);

        $paymentUrl = $this->generatePaymentUrl($mandatoryField, $optionalField, $amount, $reference_no);
        return $paymentUrl;
        // return redirect()->to($paymentUrl);

    protected function generatePaymentUrl($mandatoryField, $optionalField, $amount, $reference_no)
        $encryptedUrl = self::DEFAULT_BASE_URL."merchantid=".$this->merchant_id."&mandatory fields=".$mandatoryField."&optional fields=".$optionalField."&returnurl=".$this->getReturnUrl()."&Reference No=".$reference_no."&submerchantid=".$this->getSubMerchantId()."&transaction amount=".$amount."&paymode=".$this->getPaymode();

        return $encryptedUrl;

    protected function getMandatoryField($amount, $reference_no)
        return $this->getEncryptValue($reference_no.'|'.$this->sub_merchant_id.'|'.$amount);

    // optional field must be seperated with | eg. (20|20|20|20)
    protected function getOptionalField($optionalField=null)
        if (!is_null($optionalField)) {
            return $this->getEncryptValue($optionalField);
        return null;

    protected function getAmount($amount)
        return $this->getEncryptValue($amount);

    protected function getReturnUrl()
        return $this->getEncryptValue($this->return_url);

    protected function getReferenceNo($reference_no)
        return $this->getEncryptValue($reference_no);

    protected function getSubMerchantId()
        return $this->getEncryptValue($this->sub_merchant_id);

    protected function getPaymode()
        return $this->getEncryptValue($this->paymode);

    // use @ to avoid php warning php 

    protected function getEncryptValue($str)
        $block = @mcrypt_get_block_size('rijndael_128', 'ecb');
        $pad = $block - (strlen($str) % $block);
        $str .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
        return base64_encode(@mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $this->encryption_key, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB));

And after adding this class you can call this

  $amount = 11;
  $reference_no = rand();
  // call The method
  $base=new Eazypay();
  $url=$base->getPaymentUrl($amount, $reference_no, $optionalField=null);

Once you have URL now you can perform click action on your URL and redirect it to Eazypay ICICI website using the below code.

<a id="redirect" href="&lt;?=$url?&gt;">If not redirect click here.</a>


Eazypay ICICI payment gateway

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