In this tip I can share you a simple but very useful piece of code. With help of this code, you can generate a time slot between any given number of the interval in a minute. For example, if you want to give a slot time for 15 minutes from 10 Am to 2 Pm you can use this code as shown below.
// getTimeSlot(IntervalInMinutes, $startTime, $endTime) function getTimeSlot($interval, $start, $end) { $start = new DateTime($start); $end = new DateTime($end); $start_time = $start->format('H:i'); // Get time Format in Hour and minutes $end_time = $end->format('H:i'); $i=0; while(strtotime($start_time) <= strtotime($end_time)){ $start = $start_time; $end = date('H:i',strtotime('+'.$interval.' minutes',strtotime($start_time))); $start_time = date('H:i',strtotime('+'.$interval.' minutes',strtotime($start_time))); $i++; if(strtotime($start_time) <= strtotime($end_time)){ $time[$i]['start'] = $start; $time[$i]['end'] = $end; } } return $time; } $slot = getTimeSlot(15, '10:00', '13:00'); echo "<pre>"; print_r($slot);
Hope this code helps you 🙂