Debug mobile site on Desktop from Android Device
Learn how to debug your Android device mobile browser from Google chrome developer tool in your desktop.
Continue ReadingLearn how to debug your Android device mobile browser from Google chrome developer tool in your desktop.
Continue ReadingLast updated on July 2nd, 2018 at 01:39 pmWhen we create a backup of the files we always create a zip file to download all file in the single download. If your site has cpanel then it was very easy to create zip but if you’re at VPS then most of the work is done on the […]
Continue ReadingLearn how to contain the same table multiple times based on a column in CakePHP.
Continue ReadingYou can convert saved MySql timestamp according to your local timestamp in MySql please check below code snippet in which I convert UTC to India time zone.
Continue ReadingLearn how to create Dynamic sitemap.xml file in your CakePHP3 Application.
Continue ReadingLast updated on January 1st, 2020 at 09:16 pmLearn how to fix the PHPmyadmin Redirection issue with simple steps. Steps to fix PHPMyAdmin redirection issue Login to server via terminal using SSH Open PHPMyAdmin Config file “sudo nano /etc/phpmyadmin/” Add this code near configure option $cfg[‘PmaAbsoluteUri’] = $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].dirname($_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]); Done Hope this tip help you
Continue ReadingAdd WebView inside AlertDialog in your Application.
Continue ReadingIn this tip, I explain how we can enable Gmail desktop notification. This is very easy to do you can simply follow bellow step to enable notification. Steps to Enable Gmail Notification Login to Gmail in you desktop Go to Setting ⇒ General and look for desktop notification menu and click on enable desktop notification as shown […]
Continue ReadingSet timezone on your cloud server in linux using command. Command to set timezone on cloud server
Continue ReadingThis is very simple and useful tip to detect that your user is using Android or iOs device to log in to your website in CakePHP 3 it is even easier CakePHP 3 device detection $isMobile = $this->request->is(‘mobile’); $isAndroid = stripos($this->request->header(‘User-Agent’), ‘Android’); $isIPhone = stripos($this->request->header(‘User-Agent’), ‘iPhone’); $isIPad = stripos($this->request->header(‘User-Agent’), ‘iPad’); Core PHP $iPhone = stripos($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’],”iPhone”); $iPad […]
Continue ReadingWhen I try to update my application packages using composer in terminal it shows me Killed error and terminate the process. It is mainly due to server Memory Issue. You can fix using bellow command. I test this command on my live server and it works well for me. /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024 /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1 sudo […]
Continue ReadingSometime in Cakephp3 while working with ACL we get some error related to ACO|ARO or our table is corrupt we can solve those issue using bellow commands To recover ACO table run bellow command in terminal bin/cake AclExtras recover aco To recover ARO table bin/cake AclExtras recover aro If you want to check some other […]
Continue ReadingIf you wan’t to round off decimal value to nearest heights value you can use bellow code <?php if( !function_exists(‘ceiling’) ) { function ceiling($number, $significance = 1) { $value = ( is_numeric($number) && is_numeric($significance) ) ? (ceil($number/$significance)*$significance) : false; if(!isFloatWith2Decimals($value)){ return $value.’0′; }else{ return $value; } } } function isFloatWith2Decimals($number) { return (bool) preg_match(‘/^(?:[1-9]{1}\d*|0)\.\d{2}$/’, $number); […]
Continue ReadingHi if you are writing post and you have lots of content for single post and you don’t like scroll to go long then you can add page break in your post this also help you to increase your page view’s most of WordPress websites use this to increase their page view and user can […]
Continue ReadingIn my last post’s I explain how to redirects no HTTP request to HTTPS in Node.js application and in Cakephp3 application, Now if you are using Cloudflare then this is very easy without writing any line of code you can redirect all traffic to HTTPS follow below steps to do that. Step 1. Login to your Cloudflare […]
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