
Integrating facebook SDK into application in android studio

Facebook is a largest social networking website over internet. Today we have no of mobile application which ask you to login with your facebook account. To make your app facebook enable you need to integrate facebook in your android application. Integration of facebook is very easy in eclipse there are thousand of blogs which explain how to integrate facebook in eclipse project but there is very limited blog which properly explain you how to integrate facebook sdk in android studio. In this post i will explain you to integrate facebook SDK in android studio.

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Create a simple RSS Feed with PHP and MySql

Google Feed burner is one of the best place to promote your blog mainly. It will help you to reach your goal. It help your user to get your latest news feed you created. You don?t need to add single link one by one it will automatically access your newly created blog. You simply just create XML file that contains your all news feed links of your blog.

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